
Undisputed Debt Recovery Fees

The costs set out below apply to a claim for an undisputed debt (such as an unpaid invoice) where no defence is asserted and/or enforcement action required.

The figures set out below are the average costs of undisputed debt claims and are based on the costs charged in past cases, our hourly rates and an assumption that the matters are not contested and/or overly complicated. The figures do not include the costs of disbursements such as counsel’s fees.

If the other party disputes your claim at any point we will at this stage discuss with you any further work that may be required and if necessary provide you with revised advice about costs. We offer a number of other funding options for such work including a fixed fee (e.g. if a one off letter is required),  capped fee or an hourly rate if more extensive work is needed and will discuss with you the most appropriate option for the further work.

Debt Value Court Fee Our fee (excluding VAT) Total (including VAT)
Up to £10,000 £410 £2,500 (plus £500 VAT) £3,410
£10,000 – £50,000 4.5% of the claim £5,000 (plus £1,000 VAT) 4.5% of claim plus £6,000
£50,000 – £100,000 4.5% of the claim £7,500 (plus £1,500 VAT) 4.5% of claim plus £9,000

Anyone wishing to proceed with a claim should note that:

  • the VAT element of our fee cannot be reclaimed from your debtor.
  • interest and compensation may take the debt in to a higher banding, with higher costs
  • the costs set out above are for uncontested matters, not for matters which are defended and/or where enforcement action, such as a bailiff, is needed to collect your debt

Our fee includes:

  • Taking your instructions, reviewing relevant documentation and considering next steps
  • Searching Companies House and other online databases to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on the debtor.
  • Sending a Letter before Action
  • Preparing and issuing a Claim Form and Particulars of Claim.
  • Where an Acknowledgement of Service or Defence is not received, applying to the relevant court to obtain Judgment in Default.
  • When Judgment in Default is received, serving the other side with the Judgment and requesting payment.
  • If payment is not made within a reasonable time-frame, providing you with advice on appropriate next steps and the likely costs.

Please note the average costs set out above do not include the costs of dealing with debts in excess of £100,000 or dealing with a contested claim involving service of a defence. Every case is different and costs will vary depending on the circumstances.

The Litigation Team members likely to carry out this work are:

James Clarke

Anastasia Hammond

Caroline Howard

Bryn Robertson

Ben Rutledge

Chris Wright